
Understanding Inclusive Marketing and the Role of AI with Joyann Boyce

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I have a complicated relationship with AI. On the one hand I see the time saving benefits of it, and on the other, I worry about the problematic outcomes with tools like generative AI. So I was so happy to chat with the founder and CEO of IncluedAI, Joyann Boyce. IncluedAI is software designed to help marketing teams reduce bias, protect brand reputation and reach wider audiences so, as you can imagine, Joyann knows a thing or two about AI!

We talked about how AI models are trained and how to combat the ‘untrained puppy’ nature of AI as we strive for more inclusive marketing. We discuss the challenges in eliminating inherent biases in society, the role of AI in checking language for biases, and the potential risks and benefits of using AI in marketing and business operations.

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Episode highlights

The Challenges of Inclusive Marketing for Small Businesses
The Importance of Language in Inclusive Marketing
The Role of AI in Inclusive Marketing
The Value of Art and Creativity in a Capitalist Society 
The Role of AI in Creative Industries
The Future of Language in an Inclusive Society

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People in this episode...

Joyann Boyce

A leading expert in the field of inclusive marketing. With a unique combination of marketing expertise and data science background, Joyann has made it her mission to drive positive change in the industry.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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