
How to use rejection to grow your business with Katie Chappell

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If you haven’t yet heard me talk about my rejection challenge then get ready for a deep dive into it as today I chat with online pal (and the inspiration behind the challenge) Katie Chappell.

In 2019 Katie did a rejection challenge (politely called a ‘no thank you’ challenge) which transformed the way she works, leading to her working with her dream clients (Google, Brompton Bikes, Nespresso). This challenge completely inspired me to do something similar which was how the 100 rejections challenge was born earlier this year.

Although neither of us reached 100 rejections, we both experienced a profound shift in our mindsets and hugely positive changes in our business too, both financially and mentally too.

If you want to know how embracing rejection could lead to serious change in your business this is the IDEAL episode to listen to.

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People in this episode...

Katie Chappell
Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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