
How to make sure your small business is distinctive with Kathryn Jubrail

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In this episode I am chatting to Kathryn Jubrail who is the Managing Director of independent branding and design studio Mother Design, part of the Mother Family spanning London, NY, LA, Shanghai and Singapore.

With over 15 years’ experience in brand-building and strategy for the likes of Facebook, BBC and Nuud, Kathryn’s an expert at helping brands break through the sea of sameness and convey genuine differentiation in saturated markets. Creating identities that not only reinforce a brand’s personality, energy and messaging but relevancy, Kathryn knows exactly how to create long-lasting connections with customers that future-proof brands.

In this episode we chat about:

How small and micro businesses can be distinctive and stand out from the crowd.

Examples of businesses that Mother has worked with that have really stood out creatively in their industry

Businesses who have taken inspiration from other industries to innovate in their own

A big thank you to this episode’s sponsor Cat Stacey Jewellery. A gorgeous Jewellery business where all of the pieces are hand crafted by Cat and inspired by the lush, dramatic and vibrant Cornish landscapes. The pieces are filled with small and beautiful details a reminder to pause, look around you and appreciate life. The jewellery Cat creates is minimal and meaningful and celebrates the spirit of the women who wear it. You will find Understated forms in silver and gold that are brought to life with gorgeous texture and exuberant coloured gemstones. She creates bridal and wedding jewellery to every day classics and I am sure that you will find something that you love.

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People in this episode...

Kathryn Jubrail

Kathryn is Managing Director of Mother Design London believing  that brands have the ability to effect how we think, feel, behave and experience the world around us.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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