
When your hobby becomes your business with Ian Barnard

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Ian Barnard is a digital lettering artist and calligrapher from the UK. He has a passion for inspiring, entertaining and helping people to get better at their lettering skills through videos on his Instagram and Youtube channels and also creating digital lettering brushes for the iPad. In this episode we chat about how what started as a hobby has now turned into his full time work.

We also talk about:

How experimenting in your business can lead to exciting and unexpected opportunities

The impact generously sharing free products had on his business

About not being an overnight success and what comes before that

And which marketing tools have worked best for him as he has grown his business

To find more from Liz visit lizmosley.net and follow her on instagram at @lizmmosley

Also a big thank you to this episodes sponsor Wilder Ones – They sell bright and fun unisex clothes that you can’t help but smile at when you see them. All of the clothes challenge gender stereotypes and also make them perfect for handing down between siblings to maximise wear, minimise waste and be as economical as possible. So if your sick of primary colours, dinosaurs, trucks and unicorns for your kids then this is definitely a small business brand to check out.

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With this course is that you can be making your own GIFs in less than 2 hours for only £36 (some designers would charge at least double that for one GIF) – once you have the skills you’ll be able to make as many as you want!

People in this episode...

Ian Barnard

Ian Barnard is a hand lettering artist, and calligrapher. He is also co-host of a popular creative podcast called The Honest Designers Show.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

Episode credits


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