
Building freedom & flexibility into your business with Nicola Charlotte

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Today’s episode is a chat with business and mindset coach Nicola Charlotte who generously shared her strategies for buidling freedeom and flexibility into your business by attracting  dream clients, restructuring businesses for passive income, and diversifying income streams.

Nicola shared her insight on building a business that supports a desired lifestyle without compromising freedom, the importance of personal branding and storytelling in attracting clients, and practical tips for creating content that builds credibility and nurtures relationships organically.

We also chatted about the challenge of passive programs, the implications of AI and personal touch in standing out. Nicola also provided some really practical advice on planning and executing the development of new income stream which was so helpful.

Grab a cuppa and dive in…..

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Thanks to Marketing Magic for sponsoring this episode.

Episode highlights

The Importance of Networking and People Skills
Giving Back to the Community through Talks and Workshops
The Role of Constructive Criticism and Feedback in Career Growth
Marketing your Work Online

Episode insights


How to scale your business income sustainably

In the episode we chat about passive income and whether it is ever truly passive. Nicola talks us through how you can diversify your income to scale your business and increase income sustainably.


Want to attract higher paying clients?

Lot's of people tell you you should do this, but what does that actually look like. Nicola share's her tips for tweaks that you can make to your content and how to speak to potential customers to change the sort of clients you attract.


Sharing behind the scenes to build a personal brand

Nicola really makes the most of instagram stories to show the behind the scenes of her business and how she walks the walk. This in turn helps attract those dream clients and grow her personal brand.


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People in this episode...

Nicola Charlotte
Nicola Charlotte

Nicola Charlotte is a mindset and business coach, speaker and workshop facilitator empowering clients to make the most of their potential using the power of their mind, habits & behaviours.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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