
The Art and Impact of Packaging Design with Beatrice Menis

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I had a bit of a lightbulb moment the other day when I realised that I’ve never dedicated a podcast episode to packaging design, despite the fact it’s SUCH a big part of branding design.

That’s why I spoke to today’s guest, packaging designer Beatrice Menis. Beatrice’s enthusiasm for packaging design oozes out of her and you can just tell that she absolutely loves it. Today’s chat was so great, and her tips are so applicable to service based businesses too.

I loved chatting to Beatrice and I really hope you enjoy the episode as well.

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Episode highlights

The Impact of Packaging Design on Businesses
Common Mistakes in Packaging Design
Creative Packaging Ideas for Small Businesses
Applying Packaging Principles to Service-Based Businesses

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People in this episode...

Portrait of graphic designer, Beatrice Menis
Beatrice Menis

Beatrice Menis is a Branding & Packaging Designer with 15+ years of industry experience. She loves variety in her work which is why she enjoys working with small businesses and startups as a co-founder for Studio Kibi.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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