
Add personality to your brand using stop motion with Alice Loveday

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Video content has long been something us small business owners have to utilise but today I chat to Alice Loveday all about the creative power of stop-motion as a way to add personality to your brand.

While it may seem complex, stop-motion is actually relatively simple to learn (albeit time consuming at first!) and Alice shares how, ‘with a wiggle and a jiggle’ she creates stop motion social ads that stop the scroll dead and bring brands to life!

If your business or brand needs an injection of playfulness to get people’s attention, this is the perfect episode for you.

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Get Your GIF On


With this course is that you can be making your own GIFs in less than 2 hours for only £36 (some designers would charge at least double that for one GIF) – once you have the skills you’ll be able to make as many as you want!

People in this episode...

Alice Loveday

Alice Loveday is a creative director and the founder of Loveday Social which was born out of a passion for supporting small brands that are doing big things. Alice's focus is making playful animated content more accessible for indie businesses.


Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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