
Making the most of social media with Andy Lambert

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In this episode I am joined by Andy Lambert who has over 12 years of experience in creating markets, building profitable businesses, and leadership roles in industry-leading SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) organisations.

Working exclusively in B2B SaaS, he has led sales and marketing teams, created two businesses from scratch, and achieved significant exits.

In 2016, he joined two others as one of the founding team of ContentCal, a social media marketing SaaS product. Over the course of five years, they raised over $10m, grew to be used by multiple thousands of customers in over 100 countries, won numerous awards, and, at the end of 2021 were acquired by Adobe Inc.

Andy share’s brilliant content on the data and numbers surrounding social media and we delve into how social media can still be beneficial for small businesses and where they might consider investing their time and energy based on the current engagement stats.


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People in this episode...

Andy Lambert
Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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