
Building Brands for Movies with Annie Atkins

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Have you ever wondered who does the design work for the fictional worlds that we see in films or TV programs? You know, the old fashioned letters, or a historical telegram, or maybe a brand for a business, or packaging for products. Today on the podcast it is such a treat for me to chat to Annie Atkins.

Annie is a designer and prop maker for film and television, and she is particularly known for her work on various Wes Anderson films, including the Grand Budapest Hotel. We chat about how Annie struggled creating brands when she worked for an advertising agency, but how she got good at it when designing fictional brands for film.

We talk about how she has diversified her income, the things that went wrong in her work, and the Reddit threads dedicated to that, and also how Annie Annie had planned to give up her career in graphic design, but then almost accidentally stumbled across this area of design that she loves. I had so much fun chatting to Annie, and I think you’re really going to enjoy this episode, but I would love to hear what you think, so come and find me on Instagram, I’m always there.

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Episode highlights

Annie's Journey into Film Design
Challenges and Learning in Design
The Impact of AI on Design
Creating Fictional Brands for Film
Embracing Familiarity Over Originality in Film
Dealing with Criticism and Mistakes

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Building your Brand with Liz Mosley

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People in this episode...

Annie Atkins

Annie Atkins is a graphic designer and prop maker for film and television. She is known for her graphic design work in The Grand Budapest Hotel and has gone on to work with director Wes Anderson on Isle of Dogs and The French Dispatch

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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