
How improving your public speaking elevates your brand with Charlotte Lewis

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Public speaking was never something I tied to my branding but after my experience working with today’s guest, public speaking coach Charlotte Lewis, I’m now a total convert.

I got in touch with Charlotte to help me prepare for a closing keynote and, while she gave me a huge confidence boost and helped make my talk much better, I also left with a deep understanding of how our voice and physical presence impacts our branding.

In the episode we talk about some really practical ways you can start to improve your public speaking and delve into the things that might be holding you back.

It’s a great episode for anyone wanting to feel more confident in their voice so dive in and let us know what you think!

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People in this episode...

Charlotte Lewis

Charlotte Lewis is a public speaking coach and consultant combining her skills as a director with her experience as a yoga and breath work teacher.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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