
Why you need a personal brand more than ever with Christine Gritmon

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Something I’ve been pondering recently is how, as content becomes more bland and generic due to the increased usage of AI, personal branding is going to become more important than ever before.

Today on the podcast I am chatting to Christine Gritmon all about personal branding. Who should have one? How to get started? And how to make your personal brand work for you.

We even cover the age-old dilemma of how many Instagram accounts you should have!

I nodded along in agreement to so much of what Christine said in this episode, and I really hope you find it helpful too.

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Thanks to Marketing Magic for sponsoring this episode.


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People in this episode...

Christine Gritmon

Christine Gritmon empowers professionals to leverage their digital platforms in a bigger, bolder way. She’s spoken on stages worldwide and is a frequent expert guest on podcasts, live streams, Twitter chats, and blog posts, as well as hosting her own weekly podcast, Let’s Talk About Brand.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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