
How we feel about social media with Hannah Isted

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In this episode, we discuss the role of social media in our businessese and talk about how we really feel about using it all…..including X (which Liz still hates saying!)

We share our tips for how to improve engagement by making content fun, informative, and approachable and dig into why having a  ‘hero’ platform is great for marketing.

If you’ve fallen out of flow with social media (particularly Instagram!) this is the perfect episode to get stuck into.

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Episode highlights

The Role of LinkedIn in Social Media Marketing
The Impact of Social Media on Personal Life
The Importance of Engagement on Social Media
The Role of Social Media in Business Growth
Strategies to Improve Social Media Experience
A Debate: Focusing on One Platform vs. Multiple Platforms

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People in this episode...

Hannah Isted

Author of The Best 90 Days Ever, Hannah makes marketing simple for small business owners.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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