
Is Your Business Running You? Get Wildly Free with Jo Hooper

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Every now and then an episode comes along that almost feels like therapy for me, and this was one of those.  Today I’m chatting to anti-hustle, anti-patriarchal, rule breaking business coach Jo Hooper, who helps business owners get wildly free so they can enjoy their businesses.

I had a LOT of revelations in this episode and in this chat, Jo really helped me unpick some things I thought were inevitable in business.  I guess it was kind of like a coaching session in podcast form, and I really hope that it helps you too, as running a business can be really tough.

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Episode highlights

Practical Tips for Sustainable Business Practices
Mindset and Belief Challenges
Implementing Boundaries and Pricing Strategies
Personal Reflections and Goals
The Importance of Safety and Stability

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People in this episode...

Jo Edinburgh_headshot_building_your_brand_podcast
Jo Hooper

Jo is a business coach who helps business owners get wildly free so they can enjoy their businesses

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

Episode credits


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