
Maximising Visual Storytelling for Small Businesses with Jacqueline Burke

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Today on the podcast, my guest is the Senior Director of Creative for EMEA at Getty Images and iStock Jacqueline Burke. Alongside her team of researchers, art directors and curators Jacqueline is responsible for producing visual insights and imagery and video creation that’s been used in award winning, advertising, design, and editorial.

We chatted all about how small business owners can make the most of stock images and videos to tell stories that are really important for them. Jacqueline gave great tips for finding the right images and videos, and we talked about why video is such an important medium for marketing.

If you need a great reminder of how to use imagery for your brand, this episode’s for you.

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Episode highlights

The Power of Video in Marketing
Creating Authentic Video Content for Your Brand
Navigating the World of Stock Imagery and Video
Addressing Bias and Embracing Diversity in Visuals
Innovative Strategies for Standing Out in Marketing

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Get Your GIF On


With this course is that you can be making your own GIFs in less than 2 hours for only £36 (some designers would charge at least double that for one GIF) – once you have the skills you’ll be able to make as many as you want!

People in this episode...

Jacqueline Burke

Alongside her team of researchers, art directors and curators Jacqueline produces award-winning visual insights, imagery and video creation.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

Episode credits


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