
Aligning Business Integrity with Personal Values with Keri Jarvis

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I’ve talked a lot about values and brand values on this podcast. And recently I’ve had some situations in my business where my values have been put to the test, leading me to make decisions that others might disagree with.

And so, when I asked who would be the best person to talk to me about this, everyone told me to talk to Keri Jarvis. Keri is a developmental coach, intersectional feminist, charity co-founder and community activist and through her work she’s helped lots of people to imagine a world where they can run their business with integrity.

This was such a rich conversation and, for me personally, it was a really helpful one to have.

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Episode highlights

The Consequences of Misalignment with Brand Values
The Journey of Self-Awareness and Value Alignment
The Impact of Social Media on Business Values
The Role of Change and Growth in Business Values
The Challenge of Balancing Personal Passion and Business Needs

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People in this episode...

Keri Jarvis

Keri Jarvis is a developmental coach, intersectional feminist, charity co-founder and community activist who helps social justice oriented business owners expand their self concepts and bring their equitable values to life into their work and outside of it.


Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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