
Scaling your business from solopreneur to agency with Kristy Campbell

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This week, I’m chatting to amazing Instagram and TikTok sensation, designer and founder of Pink Pony Creative Kristy Campbell who grew her business from a one-woman band to a thriving agency in three years!

In the episode I picked Kristy’s brains about how she’s transitioned from working solo to leading a team, what struggles she’s navigated and how her processes have evolved.

Whether you are interested in building a team, already have one and want to see how to make it more efficient, or maybe you’re content as you are this episode is packed full of honest and encouraging tips we could all use!

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Thanks to Marketing Magic for sponsoring this episode.


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People in this episode...

Kristy Campbell

Kristy Campbell is a brand identity specialist and graphic designer with a Bachelor degree in Graphic Design and Animation and over 10 years of industry experience—and is the founder of Pink Pony

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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