
Navigating the Intricacies of Business Relationships with Lois Seco

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You might remember that back in January on Building Your Brand I shared my 2024 goals, one of which was to be able work with my close friend Lois more, as outsourcing a part of my business to her in 2023 worked so well for us both. Well, today you can hear from multi-disciplinary artist and designer Lois Seco about how she thinks it’s all going!

Outsourcing is something a lot of small business owners have to navigate and it’s not always the easiest so we thought that we would chat about our experience and what we’ve learned working together over the last year.

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Episode highlights

The Art of Delegation and Overcoming Bottlenecks
The Importance of Communication and Boundaries in Business
The Value of Trust and Mutual Respect in a Working Relationship
Setting Boundaries
The Role of Clarity in Relationships
Choosing the Right People to Work With
Embracing Rejection and Failure

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Building your Brand with Liz Mosley

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People in this episode...

Lois Seco

Multi-disciplinary contemporary artist and designer based in Cardiff, Wales working with various mediums ranging from large scale abstract pieces created with acrylic and resin to smaller works on an abundance of surfaces.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

Episode credits


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