
How to deal with burnout when you’re running a business with Marloes

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How to deal with burnout as a small business owner might not be what you’d typically expect when you think about building your brand but it’s something I felt so inspired to explore. Which is why I loved chatting to today’s guest, Marloes all about how she experienced burnout, tackled it head on and how she’s rebuilding her career as a small business owner while in recovery.

Whether you’ve experienced burnout or not I encourage you to dive in to today’s episode as it’s a must listen for all of us.

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Thanks to Marketing Magic for sponsoring this episode.

Episode highlights

Marloes initial experience of burnout
Why burnout happens
Creativity for creativities sake
Finding balance on social media

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People in this episode...

Marloes De Vries

Marloes De Vries is an illustrator write and artist working between Rotterdam and the United Kingdom. Marloes works with book publishers and magazines, and creates landscape paintings.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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