
Adapting to unexpected changes in business with Nicky Elliott (Wilder Ones)

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How do you pivot and bounce back from business stumbles? That’s what Nicky Elliott and I talk about today as she opens up about her journey creating Wilder Ones, a beautiful clothing brand she started just 18 months ago.

Nicky is ‘evangelical about branding’ and she generously shares her branding journey, why she doesn’t regret any mistakes she’s made along the way and what’s next for Wilder Ones.

If you’re a business owner worried to make a move in case you fail, this episode will make you laugh, give you courage and inspire you to try.

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People in this episode...

Nicky Elliott

Nicky Elliot, founder of The Wilder Collective is passionate about hearing women’s stories and empowering her community of women to break down conventional norms and become free to explore the lives and careers they want.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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