
Behind the scenes of my podcast break

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It’s been a while since I did a solo episode, but I decided to record one ahead of my short podcast break. In the episode I talk about how and why I planned a podcast break, what I’ll be doing and I share a few personal lessons I’ve learned recently.

And I have a favour to ask! I’ve created a feedback form about the podcast to get to know you and make sure I’m giving you what you want. As a thanks from me, everyone who gives feedback will be entered into a competition to receive a little gift in the post.

So if you would like to be entered to win a prize, it’ll probably be a box of goodies from me in the post. Then just drop me an email after you’ve completed the form to podcast @ liz mosley.net and tell me that you did it. And then I’ll choose a few people at random to send something to. By doing it that way, your email won’t be connected to your feedback entry.

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Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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