
Intentionally Creating a Disruptive Brand with Rachel Harris (Accountant She)

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I often seek out guests who are doing things a little differently because I think it’s so important to show there’s not just one way to do things.

Today’s guest is an award winning content creator, speaker, accountant and founder of accountancy firm Accountant She Rachel Harris.  Rachel shares her journey of taking social media by storm, building her successful personal brand and co-running the fastest-growing accountancy firm in the UK with her husband.

She discusses the strategic approach she took to brand and content development, along with the importance of personal branding in reaching the right audience and potential employees.

Rachel also highlights the importance of core values in creating a brand culture and driving a business. It’s a really motivating episode which gave me so much food for thought and I hope you’ll feel the same!

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A big thank you to today's episode sponsor Adobe Express (affiliate link) If you want a way to design on-brand graphics on the go download the app for free.

Episode highlights

The Growth of Rachel's Accountancy Practice
The Intersection of Finance and Personality
The Strategy Behind Rachel's Disruptive Approach
The Impact of Rachel's Personal Brand on Her Business
Breaking Stereotypes in Accountancy
The Power of Diverse Workforce and Content Creation
The Journey of Establishing Core Values
The Influence of Branding on Staff and Client Attraction

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People in this episode...

Rachel Harris Building Your Brand
Rachel Harris

Rachel Harris is an award winning content creator, author, speaker, business owner and accountant. She has grown her Accountant_She community to over 25,000 people.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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