
Thinking big with your small business with Radim Malinic

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Running a small business can sometimes feel like we are constantly waiting for ‘success’ to happen which can feel oh so frustrating.

As a small business owner, I know how tempting it is to fall down the rabbit hole of comparing myself to others, imagining they’re doing it quicker and better than I am. But that’s rarely true, and more often than not things take far longer to achieve than we ever see online.

That’s exactly what I talked to best-selling author and designer Radim Malinic about. From his accidental start in graphic design (via ice hockey and heavy metal!) to founding not one, but two successful businesses, Radim knows a thing or two about being patient and taking your time.

If you want to learn simple, honest advice from an industry leader – this is a great episode to dive into.

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People in this episode...

Radim Malinic

Radim Malinic is a creative director, designer and best selling author who writes books all about design, branding and creative careers.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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