
The role of branding in business efficiency with Rebecca Aning-Brown

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So many of my clients small businesses come about in the most interesting way so today I want to share how Rebecca Aning-Brown went from medicine to running her own successful flower farming business, Silver Grey Foliage.

I’ve worked with Rebecca for two years now, collaborating on a wide range of branding projects and we’ve developed a really great working relationship so I wanted to pick her brains on her journey.

We discuss the evolution of her business, her investments in professional branding, photography and a website, and the impact they had on her business as well as how she chooses the people she works with.

If you’d love an insight into how branding practically impacts your business this is the perfect episode to dive into!

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Episode highlights

The Importance of Photography in Business
Choosing the Right People to Work With
The Importance of Strategic Investments
The Role of Branding in Business Efficiency
The Impact of Authentic Marketing

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People in this episode...

Silver Grey Foliage, funeral wreath. Photography by Joanne Crawford
Rebecca Anning-Brown

Rebecca is the founder of Silver Grey Foliage, a Flower Farm, in Headingley, just north of Leeds City Centre, West Yorkshire.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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