
Rejection Challenge Update: A Roller Coaster of Lessons and Numbers!

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In this solo episode, I dive into an update on my ongoing rejection challenge. I share the hurdles I’ve faced, such as recording resistance, documenting habits, and old self-doubts. I also get really honest about how I feel about the numbers.

Sidenote – I’ll be opening enrolment for my branding course Design Your Own Branding and those on the waiting list get first dibs (and discounts!) so sign up here if you want to learn to DIY your branding.

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A big thank you to today's episode sponsor Adobe Express (affiliate link) If you want a way to design on-brand graphics on the go download the app for free.

Episode highlights

Pitching for Design Work vs. Podcasting
Adobe Express: A Content Creator's Tool (Advert)
Rejection Challenge Numbers Revealed
Unexpected Opportunities

All about sponsoring
Building your Brand with Liz Mosley

Collaborate with our independent podcast and reach an audience of engaged, creative, small business owners across the UK.


Get Your GIF On


With this course is that you can be making your own GIFs in less than 2 hours for only £36 (some designers would charge at least double that for one GIF) – once you have the skills you’ll be able to make as many as you want!

People in this episode...

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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