
Sales Funnels Simplified with Menekse Stewart

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If you’ve ever wanted to understand what a funnel is and how it fits into your sales and marketing this episode, with returning guest Menekse Stewart, is a must listen.

In less than an hour we dive deep into sales and marketing funnels, how we all use them (even when we don’t realise we are) and the difference between a value driven marketing funnel vs. a ‘skeazy’ one.

Alongside really practical marketing tips Menekse gives all you small business owners a much needed boost of confidence to start implementing sales and marketing funnels that align with your values.

Referenced in the episode:

The importance of your logo with Made by James

Getting to grips with email marketing with Menekse Stewart

Connect with Menekse: https://www.marketingwithmenekse.com/

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People in this episode...

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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