
Lessons I’ve learned recently (that I’m scared to admit!)

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It’s a return to normal Building Your Brand episodes and I’m kicking things off by sharing a few things I relearned following my summer break from the podcast and from client work.

It’s nothing groundbreaking but I wanted to share in case it resonated with any of you small business owners too! Let me know what you think and PLEASE pretty please leave the podcast a 5* rating and review on Apple Podcasts; doing so tells the algorithm the podcast is offering value and should be shown to more folk like you. And you’ll have my endless love for life 😉

I’ll share my favourite reviews in a future episode so get your writing hats on!

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A big thank you to today's episode sponsor Flodesk (affiliate link)




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People in this episode...

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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