
Nurturing your business and personal finances with Talia Loderick

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In today’s episode, we dive deep into the topic of money and how our business and personal finances are inextricably intertwined so I’m thrilled to have money coach Talia Loderick on the podcast to discuss the role of our emotions and beliefs in money-related behaviours.

We cover a wide range of money struggles faced by individuals and business owners, and Talia provides practical advice on managing finances in a kind and holistic way. I found the conversation incredibly helpful, and I believe you will too.

If you’re seeking guidance on understanding your money mindset and finding a compassionate approach to money management, this episode is perfect for you.

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People in this episode...

Talia Loderick
Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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