
Unlocking LinkedIn: Building a Personal Brand with Marielle Legair

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One of the things I love about this podcast is that I get to invite people who I’m excited to learn from, who are experts in areas I am not, and who I can ask all the questions to. Today, my guest is LinkedIn Top Voice and Learning Instructor Marielle Legair.

Marielle is also a certified coach and has lots of experience of building a personal brand on LinkedIn so her insights were so helpful. I hope you enjoy the episode!

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Episode highlights

Leveraging LinkedIn for Personal Branding
Common Mistakes on LinkedIn
Building a Strong LinkedIn Profile
Creating Engaging LinkedIn Content
Authentic Networking on LinkedIn

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People in this episode...

Marielle Legair headshot
Marielle Legair

Marielle Legair is a speaker, certified coach, LinkedIn Top Voice, and LinkedIn Learning Instructor.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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