
From Overwhelm to Intentional Business Growth with Productivity Mentor Louise Miller

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I don’t even need to ask if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed in your busiuness because I am 99% sure we ALL have. You might even be feeling, like me, a little bit overwhelmed right now. If so, today’s guest Louise Miller, a Productivity Mentor and the host of The Unfrazzled Podcast, is here to soothe your worries and empower you to feel less frazzled.

I loved hearing Louise’s practical takes on dealing with tasks, setting clear goals and creating space for rest and mental space to foster creativity. We also talked about how to say ‘no’ which is something we all need to do more!

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Episode highlights

Identifying and Tackling the Root Causes of Overwhelm
Finding Your Business Rhythm and Embracing Rest
Creating Space for Decision-Making
The Fear of Failure and Embracing Experimentation
Mastering the Art of Saying No
The Progress Cycle: A Framework for Growth

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People in this episode...

Headshot of Louise Miller, productivity mentor
Louise Miller

Louise Miller is a productivity mentor, founder of Make It Happen Club and host of the Unfrazzle podcast.

Liz Mosley

Graphic and brand designer Liz helps small business owners feel way more confident promoting what they do.

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