21 February 2024

My 4 favourite small business memberships

First, let’s talk about what we mean by small business communities. These are groups of individuals who share a common interest in supporting each other and growing their small businesses. Now they might be centered around a theme and there is usually someone leading or managing the group that has particular expertise. They can take many forms, from online forums and social media groups to physical meet ups and networking events.

So, why is being a part of these communities so important for us as small business owners? Well, for starters, they provide a support system. Running a small business can be a lonely and challenging journey, but being part of a community of like-minded individuals can help alleviate some of the stress and provide a sounding board for ideas and concerns.

Another benefit of small business communities is access to resources. Members often share their knowledge and expertise with one another, offering advice and guidance on everything from marketing to finances. Additionally, these communities can provide opportunities to connect with potential customers or clients.

Now beyond these practical benefits, being part of a small business community can also be incredibly fulfilling. There’s a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that comes with being part of a group of people who are all striving to succeed in their respective businesses.



Doing it for the Kids

DIFTK is a community for freelance parents trying to make flexible working work. The community is about connection and is a safe corner of the internet to chat about the everyday practicalities of running a business around your kids.


The Best 90 Days Ever

The Best 90 Days Ever is for you if you know you need to promote your business, but you don't have time, ideas or know where to start. You will receive a daily 10-minute task which can be easily managed around the rest of your work.


Life Aligned Community

The Life Aligned Community is founded using natural cycles and offers support and connection as you build your business in line with your values and energy.


Studio Cotton Clubhouse

For your website support Aime of Studio Cotton shares heaps of advice with small businesses who want good websites.

So, how do you go about finding and joining these communities? Start by doing some research online. Look for groups or forums that cater to your specific industry or niche. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook can also be great places to find and join small business communities. But often the best way is word of mouth - ask around - ask on social media, ask your small biz pals if there are any they would recommend.

Another option is to attend local networking events or workshops. These can be a great way to meet other business owners in your area and start building relationships.

Of course, it's important to remember that being part of a small business community or membership isn't just about what you can get out of it. It's also about what you can give back. For it to work well you need to be an active participant in the group, offering your own expertise and support to other members.

Building your Brand

Graphic Designer Liz Mosley wants small business owners to build businesses that they LOVE and feel confident about promoting. 
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